How does he fill up his 16 hours of time awake each day? Mmmmm, make that 12 hours to start with.... then knock off his work - gardening, (which is not a hobby and he would hate to receive anything in connection with by the way!) and knock off time spent snoozing in front of the tv, and then knock off time spent scratching and yawning and belching and youre not left with a whole lot of time are you? Oh, and he has a bathrobe already, sigh, told you he was a toughie... thinking about a day in a health spa, hahahaha! (Only joking!)
individuals wife
JoinedPosts by individuals wife
Christmas Wish List
by individuals wife inits nearly time to sit on santas knee and tell him what you want for christmas...... so come on, tell us what is on your wish list and give me some ideas on what to buy that person who has everything they want already!.
oh, by the way, i want a blood pressure machine..... dont ask, isnt having 3 kids, a college course and 2 jobs enough reason?.
so what do you want in your stocking on christmas morning?
individuals wife
I still reckon Rutherford got crap presents one year and decided to spoil everyone elses fun and ban the whole thing.... also money saved on Christmas gifts is more money in the donation box..... also missing out on the celebrations makes a JW feel persecuted and that makes them feel like they are doing the right thing...
Christmas Wish List
by individuals wife inits nearly time to sit on santas knee and tell him what you want for christmas...... so come on, tell us what is on your wish list and give me some ideas on what to buy that person who has everything they want already!.
oh, by the way, i want a blood pressure machine..... dont ask, isnt having 3 kids, a college course and 2 jobs enough reason?.
so what do you want in your stocking on christmas morning?
individuals wife
Simon - Thank you for your assistance, apologies for my ignorance, I blame it on a lack of caffeine today, thats my excuse anyway and I'm sticking with it!
larc - age of person - about 65, gender - male, hobbies - none except for a very expensive specialised one which no one can contribute to, interests - nil. Doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, doesnt potter around in the garden, doesnt cook, doesnt place importance on clothes, although he does wear them ;), no favourite tv programmes, always on a diet, doesnt like gadgets, good grief, see what I mean.... oh, and everyone usually buys him slippers......
Christmas Wish List
by individuals wife inits nearly time to sit on santas knee and tell him what you want for christmas...... so come on, tell us what is on your wish list and give me some ideas on what to buy that person who has everything they want already!.
oh, by the way, i want a blood pressure machine..... dont ask, isnt having 3 kids, a college course and 2 jobs enough reason?.
so what do you want in your stocking on christmas morning?
individuals wife
Mental health and depression??? Why mental health and depression? Is this something to do with your new format Simon???? Grr.
Christmas Wish List
by individuals wife inits nearly time to sit on santas knee and tell him what you want for christmas...... so come on, tell us what is on your wish list and give me some ideas on what to buy that person who has everything they want already!.
oh, by the way, i want a blood pressure machine..... dont ask, isnt having 3 kids, a college course and 2 jobs enough reason?.
so what do you want in your stocking on christmas morning?
individuals wife
Its nearly time to sit on Santas knee and tell him what you want for Christmas...... so come on, tell us what is on your wish list and give me some ideas on what to buy that person who has everything they want already!
Oh, by the way, I want a blood pressure machine..... dont ask, isnt having 3 kids, a college course and 2 jobs enough reason?
So what do you want in your stocking on Christmas morning?
trick or treating
by teejay inof all the holidays, for me halloween has the least appeal.. i have a memory of going trick-or-treating once, at my "worldly" father's insistence (he roasted peanuts in the oven for the door-knockers... i remember), about the time my mom learned the truth.
i must've been about five years old.. despite the fact that i'm a hard-core agnostic and a fear of gods or demons are a non-issue, i still have trouble encouraging kids -- under the guise of costumes and fun -- of extorting treats from neighbors.
can i get a witness?
individuals wife
Halloween is one day of the year that I do not personally look forward to and I do not encourage my kids to participate.... yeah, yeah, I know, stick in the mud... But I know of elderly people who feel like virtual prisoners in their own homes on Halloween, sitting in the dark so it looks like they are out, hoping they dont get called on, scared stiff of answering the door to a gang of scary kids who just use the opportunity to intimidate and frighten them into handing over cash. I know that a lot of people see this as a nice activity for children to get involved in but personally I would not be happy for mine to be walking around in the dark knocking on strangers doors.... I think we have all had enough of knocking on strangers doors as it is!! In the past few years I have had a neighbour who had wet toilet paper stuffed up his car exhaust pipe just because he did not open his front door - he wasnt even home. Also I have heard of nasty things being put through letter boxes and plant pots and tubs being tipped over. These days Halloween just seems to be an excuse for the nasty kids to do nasty things and get away with them because of 'tradition'. Maybe it is different where everyone else lives but here it seems to bring out the worst in the kids.
Courtroom Gaffes
by individuals wife incollection of courtroom gaffes - all true, unbelievably.... q: what is your date of birth?.
a: july 15th.
q: what year?.
individuals wife
Collection of courtroom gaffes - all true, unbelievably...
Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July 15th
Q: What year?
A: Every yearQ: What gear were you in at the moment of the crash?
A: Tracksuit bottoms and ReeboksQ: How old is your son?
A: 38 or 35, I cant remember which.
Q: How long has he lived with you?
A: Forty-five years.Q: What was the first thing your husband said when he woke up?
A: He said: ‘ Where am I, Cathy?’
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.Q: Whats your brother-in-laws first name?
A: I can’t remember.
Q: You cant remember?
A: No, I’m too excited. [Points to brother-in-law] Nathan, for Gods sake, tell them your first name.Q: Have you or your daughter ever been involved in voodoo or the occult?
A: We both do.
Q: Voodoo?
A: We do.
Q: You do?
A: Yes, voodoo.Q: What is your IQ?
A: Well, I can see pretty well, I think.Q: Did you blow your horn before the accident?
A: Sure, I played for ten years.Q: What is your marital status?
A: FairQ: What did your husband do before you divorced him?
A: A lot of things I didn’t know about.Q: Could you see him?
A: I could see his head.
Q: And where was his head?
A: Just above his shoulders.Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there.Q: Were you shot in the fracas?
A: No. I was shot midway between the fracas and the naval.Q: Gary, all your responses must be oral. OK? What school do you go to?
A: OralQ: Were you present when your picture was taken?
Q: How many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies have been performed on dead people.Q: What happened then?
A: He told me:’ I have to kill you because you can identify me’.
Q: Did he kill you?Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes
Q: And how many were boys?
A: None
Q: Were there any girls?Q: You say the stairs went down?
A: Yes
Q: Did they go up as well?Q: Where was your honeymoon?
A: Europe
Q: And you took your new wife?Q: Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?
Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No
Q: So it is possible the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No
Q: How can you be so sure?
A: Because his brain was in a jar on my desk.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?
A: It is possible he could have been alive and practising law somewhere.... -
Nothing New I'm Figuring Out
by pettygrudger ini have been out of the jw org.
for over 16 years now.
i'll just say that i'm not the most "mentally strong" person as it took me 14 of those years avoiding my problems, and 2 to really deal with it.
individuals wife
Pettygrudger - stories such as yours make me realise that I had not such a bad time in the organisation, I was lucky. So many people leave with huge amounts of emotional baggage and psychological problems and I admire them for their strength and courage to be able to go on with their lives and look for something better. You have been through so much, things that no-one deserves to go through, please always remember that you are a victim of circumstances largely out of your control it seems, you are not to blame here. When this sort of thing happens to you as a child you just have to realise that you could do nothing to prevent it and that all you can do as an adult now is learn to cope with the bad memories and work towards being as happy as you possibly can. You deserve happiness.
Make a new life for yourself and try not to look back, always look to your future and that of your family.
My biggest questions have always been "why would God's true organization allow this to happen? Why wouldn't God answer my prayers/pleas? Did he already know I was unworthy of his Kingdom?"
These are all questions that I too asked myself and I have come to the conclusion that this organisation is not Gods true organisation for a start. As to answering prayers - I do not pray anymore, but my husband says it works for him, without using the organisation as a 'go-between',who knows... maybe I might give it a go one day. Did he already know you were unworthy of his Kingdom? You are not unworthy - it is only the JWs who make you feel unworthy. You are better off out of it, I know I am. -
"Hey there all you lurkey ones..."
by Simon inhmmn, doesn't quite work does it?
ok...we'll stick with 'thirsty' then .
why not register and make a post or two...ask a question...make a statement...whatever !.
individuals wife
Just bringing this up top again to encourage all newbies to say 'hi'! Don't be shy - we'd love to welcome you personally!
(Edited for crappy typing... sorry, need more caffiene... see what I mean!)
How do you feel about smacking at K Hall?
by Latte inpersonally, it upsets me very much.
or are there any other parents that found better, alternative ways of getting young children 'trained'?.
i am not anti -smacking by the way,(except at the kh) but it is always the very last resort.. latte
individuals wife
Just a couple of posts from the board... sad how things never change isnt it?
Member # 5
posted October *, 2001 **:** AM
Teaching your little ones to sit still and be quiet during meetings?
At our Kingdom hall we have some mothers that just let their kids run barefoot all over the place. Oh, they SORTA sit during the meetings, but just as often you will find them in the lobby, running.
Another older mom, recently had a baby which is now about 1 year old. She thinks it is CUTE when the baby screams funny baby noises during the meeting and smiles at her. She says it's "normal" for her to make baby sounds.Do y'all feel the same way? Should we allow "normal" behavior at KH, or should we train our kids to show respect for Jehovah's house?
Should we allow 'normal' behaviour at KH???!!!!!! Good grief...
Here's another gem from the same poster... glad she's not my mother...Platinum
Member # 5
posted October *, 2001 **:** PM
a baby's sweet little coos are adorable, but it has sometimes come to the place where the baby is more audible than the speaker, and that's where there is a problem.
I have a few suggestions that I used when Tina was a babe that seemed to work. I know all children are not the same and some are more difficult than others. Still we do have to make an effort.
Does anyone have particular suggestions that helped for their kids?I know with Tina, we began training at home. NOT at KH. We had quiet times when she was expected to sit still -- not in front of the TV, but we played Kingdom Hall or Bible Study, and she had to keep her babies quiet. These "meetings" would not last very long, but she got the drift. We did not have these practice sessions on meeting days. Her quiet time was saved for KH>
When she was very small, our KH was so packed there was no room for me to bring any little carrier for her to sleep in. She was one kid that when she was going to sleep, she had to be by herself -- not held, except when she was sick. So at KH she got overtired and screamed, cuz she refused to sleep in my arms. So.... We praticed at home. Nap time came and I held her. Tight or firmly. Told her she had to learn to fall asleep in my arms cuz we couldn't have her make such a ruckas at the KH. Others were trying to learn about Jehovah and so she had to learn to be quiet while there. So it took several sessions of me holding this screaming baby, and talking to her, till she DID fall asleep. And then she fell asleep easily at the Hall.
We did the practice sessions at home because I didn't want a situation where the ONLY place she was expected to sit still and be quiet was at KH. I felt she wouldn't like to go there. I think because she was trained first or right along at home, she loved the meetings.
Even when she made the babbling noises babies make at the Hall, I tapped her lips just a bit with my finger and put my finger on my lips. If she made too much noise, I didn't sit there, but took her out and we had a talk, about this being Jehovah's house and we needed to be quiet. She caught on. I didn't even have to spank her but a very few times. Even at just a few months old, she seemed to understand. Babies are pretty smart. They can learn obedience by love or they can learn to manipulate mommy and daddy.
Toys and secular books? That will be another discussion here in a few days. Meantime, let's hear your thoughts.
Holding her tightly to stop her crying? Trying to reason with a baby?
Sessions of holding a screaming baby?I didn't even have to spank her but a very few times. Even at just a few months old, she seemed to understand.
Doesn't that make youre blood boil?? How could she do that???Babies are pretty smart.
Shame the same cannot be said of the mother.Meantime, let's hear your thoughts
You wouldnt want to hear them dear, you wouldnt want to hear them.....Edited because I forgot this beauty...
Junior Member
Member # 90
posted October **, 2001 **:** AM
When our daughter was born and we first took her to the meetings, we had a game plan! It was this!
Before the meeting she was fed good, changed into a dry diaper placed in her car seat.When we got to the hall, we put her seat on the bench between us(not on the floor, like I've seen some do), no one played with or held her! She stayed in her seat for the entire meeting, UNLESS a diaper needed changing, but usually she was fine the whole meeting. Also there were no toys brought to the meeting! We did this every meeting and as she got older then we gave her, her own copy of the bible, song book, watchtower whatever we were studying, she also had her own bag to put her books in. We never did have any problems with her not wanting to sit. She's 8 now almost 9 and has been using a notebook to write the scriptures in for the last 2 or 3 years, follows along and comments at almost all the meetings.
They can learn so quickly and easily with a little patience and effort!I've seen the difference right in our own cong. It seems when they are allowed to run and play before the meetings, then parents have problems the whole meeting, and no one gets anything out of it! Our daughter now visits with everybody, especially the older ones and they love it! When it's time for the meeting to start she's in her seat and ready.
--------------------no one played with or held her! She stayed in her seat for the entire meeting....Also there were no toys brought to the meeting!
How cruel. Poor baby.